Saturday, July 29, 2006

Mathematical Project & Model-Making Competition

The Mathematical Society is organising a Mathematical Modelling & Project Making Competition for classes 8th & 9th. We expect partcipation in groups of 3 from each section. Teams are required to send in their project reports by 31st August to Maths Lab instructor Dr. Jonaki B. Ghosh. Projects shall be judged separately for classes 8th (Group A) & 9th (Group B).
After crutinising project reports, 6 projects will be selected from each group for presentation.

The following should at least give you an idea of what kind of projects to work on:

Projects based on some mathematical idea & extending it to solve some real-life or theoretical problems ( implying thougth problems).

Consider this thought problem:

I have kept bread crumbs at the corners of a pentagon. I leave an exploration loving but a hungry little bird at one of the corners. I sit back and watch it feed & explore all possible paths between the different locations of bread crumbs but without retracing any path traversed previously. What exactly I mean by a path, I would like to define. It is a line segment joining any pair of corners of the pentagon. Knowing all this, can I predict the total number of paths that can be explored & those left out ? What would be the result if I increased the number of corners? Can the result be generalised for higher polygons?

Using computer programming as a tool for problem-solving will be highly appreciated.

The event aims at encouraging team work which is the most important aspect of any collaborative research effort. In the history of science, some of the most beautiful and successful theories and discoveries that have been witnessed, have sprung from the convergence of great minds - be it the discovery of DNA double helix, the radioactive radium or neutron stars. Learning to train the mind, right from the beginning, to think-talk-work cooperatively in a group is essential.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Matsoc Blogger Updates

Some of the recent Blogger Updates..

  • Mathematematician of the Week - Will be updated every week
  • Quote of the day - Quotations by famour Mathematematicians, will be updated Daily
  • **Image Display - A new way of Image Display, of all the Images on this blog
  • Flash Based Blog - Flash counterpart of this html blog is up, though its still under development. All the members will be invited to join the blog very soon. Link to the blog:

PS: I have the Mathematica Seminar Video Ready, do u people want me to post it here? Write Comments and tell me.

**Has been updated for html blog, flash blog is remaining.