Mathematical Quiz for class 10
The question paper of the prelims will be posted soon with the answers and other details.
The final round's date has still not been finalised and the participants will be informed as soon as the arrangements are made.
DPS R.K. Puram
The program has to be written in school in June. The participants can think over the topic,logic, presentation,etc during summer vacations.
Category B:
You need to make a power point presentation on any topic in Maths that has relevance in our day to day life.
Some suggested topics are :
This category is especially for non computer sections.
Both the categories are open to all sections, but each computer section must have an entry from Category A and each of the other sections must have an entry from Category B. A team can have a maximum of two members. There can be atmost 5 teams from each section.
Those interested please leave your name and section with anyone of the following:
Or you could just leave your name in the comments. Any more queries about the competition are welcome.